quite sure what the day may bring.
I really appreciated this project that our class took on. Dealing with a real-life client made this class less textbook and more hands on. Because we had actual clients to report back to, we couldn't slack off on assignments or put forth half effort performances. Timeliness regarding emails and dues dates became much more important. My group was assigned the task of generating the Safe Harbor Christmas mailer. Because the Christmas season comes once a year--and certainly flies by--it was pertinent that we get a draft done, sent out for approval and allow ourselves time to make necessary changes. By the request of Safe Harbor, we were asked to make some adjustments to our first draft. We were also inconvenienced by several technical difficulties with Adobe and Photoshop--all real life dilemmas.
I have learned first hand how you will be held accountable by your clients and rightfully so. Hearing Becky and Samantha speak about Safe Harbor was a fantastic way to start our projects because you could really see that they cared about the cause and their organization. Like our textbooks recommended, Safe Harbor was emphasizing a story and immediacy. By reaching out to our class for extra help, they were utilizing their resources/networks.
I think this experience was extremely valuable from both standpoints. We were able to get a glimpse into how real partnerships work as well as the strategic moves of an organization/business.